3 Best Ecommerce Conversion Funnel Templates

You want to make more sales and increase the conversion rate of your website.

You already know you have an awesome product. It’s something people want and appeals to your target market… if only you can guide them intentionally from consideration to conversion.

According to this new report , you could build a sustainable ecommerce business.

One way or another, you heard about ecommerce conversion funnels. Maybe a friend told you that they’re getting a remarkable conversion rate with their funnel or maybe you heard something about it on social media.

Now you’re wondering if conversion funnels are the solution to your conversion rate woes.

In this article, we’re going to give you three high-converting ecommerce conversion funnel templates … for free.

But first, let’s answer an important question.

What Is an Ecommerce Conversion Funnel?

An ecommerce conversion funnel is an intentionally crafted series of pages, forms, and sales copy meant to guide potential buyers from consideration to conversion.

It’s called a “funnel” because interested people go in the top (everyone who visits your product landing page, typically) and only customers come out the bottom. 

Sometimes, the conversion funnel is also referred to as a “sales funnel.”

That’s a pretty graphic and all… but how do you practically guide people from consideration to conversion?

Isn’t it enough, after all, to run ads and send people to your product page, end of story?

Then they’ll, buy, right?

As much as I’d like to tell you that they will, the fact is, they probably won’t.

Let me explain.

Why Ecommerce Conversion Funnels Are Crazy Powerful

Think about the typical ecommerce store experience. Maybe you click on an ad on Facebook, or maybe you click on a link in an email you received. When you do, traditionally, that click takes you to a page that looks something like this.

Then you browse around their website to see if anything catches your eye. Maybe you purchase something. More likely, you don’t.

And that’s the problem with the traditional ecommerce experience.

There’s no guidance. Creating a conversion funnel for your ecommerce site is the difference between hiring an expert-trained personal shopper to guide your prospect through their shopping experience rather than letting them aimlessly browse.

While some big-name, deep-pocket brands (Nike, for example) can send a huge number of people to their website and survive off of a sub-par conversion rate, small or mid-sized ecommerce stores can’t.

Your store probably can’t.

That’s at least partly why a whopping 4 out of 5 ecommerce sites fail within 24 months of launching.

*With conversion rates that hover between 2% and 4%, it’s no wonder why so many ecommerce businesses fail.*

And even if your store can survive off of a sub-par conversion rate, why settle for less when more — a higher conversion rate, more sales, more revenue, etc. — is as simple as stealing one of the ecommerce conversion funnel templates within this article?

Sound too good to be true?

Well then, let me outline exactly why these three ecommerce conversion funnel templates convert better than traditional ecommerce sites.

3 Best Ecommerce Conversion Funnel Templates (For FREE)

Ecommerce is one of the hottest entrepreneurial markets right now. And for good reason! In 2017, ecommerce generated $2.3 trillion in sales. Ecommerce represents about 10% of all retail sales in the U.S. and there will be 2.1 billion (about 1/4th of the world’s population) digital buyers around the world by 2021.

Ecommerce is sizzling with opportunity.

And at ClickFunnels, we’ve tested tons of different conversion funnels to see what converts the best for ecommerce stores.

Because even though there’s a lot of opportunity, there’s also a lot of competition. And we want to make sure that you get the sale (not your competitor).

So here are the 3 best ecommerce conversion funnel templates for free. We’ve tested each one and they are crazy effective.

If you’re still not convinced, check out how these exact funnels made a massive impact on Jaimie Cross’ ecommerce business.

“Having my business and all of its potential and not seeing any return for years… financially, it was a struggle. 5 ½ years into our business and I was spending all this money on all these courses and paying money to all these mentors and reading all these books and I was confused as heck, frustrated, overwhelmed…

“After we signed up for ClickFunnels, we went from $0 in our funnel to over $130,000 in our first six weeks and now we’ve done over three quarters of a million dollars in 5 months. The amazing thing is, we’ve had a website for years… but the funnel was a catalyst for us to grow.”

Tripwire Funnel

The tripwire funnel is perfect for selling specific products to your target market. Rather than encouraging website visitors to browse aimlessly, which will waste any advertising dollars you spent on that traffic…

You send those people directly to a sales page which focuses on selling a single product. What we call a “Two Step Sales Page”.

The goal of the Two Step Sales Page is to get the prospect to take the first two most important steps toward purchasing your product — entering their shipping and billing info.

If you want to get this funnel to convert even more powerfully, then give the person something for free on this page — that way, they’ll be more willing to enter their billing information.

Here’s an example of what this might look like.

Once the person enters their information and clicks through, we present them with the OTO (or One Time Offer) page.

This is where you make the prospect an offer that they can’t resist — a discounted product, for example, that they can get only this once (which adds a nice bit of urgency):

And since the prospect has already taken the hardest steps of entering their shipping and payment info, they’re far more likely to buy the product offered on your OTO page.

Finally, the tripwire funnel takes your new customer to your “Thank You” page. And you have made a sale. Voila!

Here’s what the entire funnel looks like.

Get Your Free Tripwire Funnel Over Here!

Product Launch Funnel

When you bring a new product to the market, the last thing you want to hear is crickets.

Ideally, you want to have built up so much suspense and anticipation surrounding your new product that your target market has their wallets pulled out before you even hit “Launch.”

And that’s the exact image we had in mind when we created our product launch funnel. We want your customers to be thrilled and excited to purchase your new product — no more lackluster, dead-pan silence on launch day.

Here’s what the product launch funnel looks like. 


First, you send traffic to a squeeze page where people can opt-in to stay updated on your new product’s progress and launch date. The only goal here is to get the person’s email address.

You can also add a survey pop-up to this page to collect valuable information about what your target market wants most from the product.

Next, over a few weeks or months, you send that list of subscribers to Product Launch Pages, each of which is meant to build excitement and suspense, and create word-of-mouth buzz around your upcoming product. This is an extremely important part of this funnel — you must create anticipation before launching.

Finally, you send that list of people to your official launch page where they can purchase your new shiny product.

With this funnel, when launch day comes, you will have people lining up to buy your new product.

Video Sales Letter Funnel

A video sales letter funnel is, chronologically speaking, identical to the tripwire funnel we discussed earlier.

The only difference is that you fill your sales pages with more video content than sales copy. So if you like recording videos more than you like writing, this is probably the way to go.

First, your traffic goes to the Sales Letter Page where they enter their shipping and billing information to receive a free sample of your product (that way, they’re more willing to enter that information). Then, they go to your One Time Offer page, where you upsell them — again, they’re more likely to add this offer to their cart since they already entered their payment and shipping info.

Then they go to your “Thank You” page. Easy as pie.

Get Your Free Video Sales Letter Funnel Over Here!

Ready to try the best ecommerce conversion funnels?

For a long time, ecommerce stores have tried to sell their products and increase their conversion rates by allowing visitors to browse their sites aimlessly.

And while there’s something to be said for that strategy when a customer is already familiar with your brand and buys from you consistently, it makes for a poor introduction (especially if you want those new prospects to actually buy from you).

Ecommerce conversion funnels, on the other hand, which we’ve designed to guide the visitor from new prospect to committed and paying customer, are wildly effective at making sales and growing ecommerce businesses.

The conversion funnels we’ve created have helped thousands of ecommerce store owners build sustainable businesses, drive consistent revenue, and even become financially independent.

Go to Best Online Sale.

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